miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2016



Verdiglione, the new Josef K. A modern Orwellian Process.

Talking with Carlos Carralero.

If something hurts to free man is another man without freedom. Hurts to see a man in prison because of bias and vindictive justice, as the Armando Verdiglione's process. As Josef K. his personal drama is that, after all, justice does not exist when it comes to a "process" against freedom itself, Orwell’s typical drama, "Kafka’s nightmare" and Thrasymachus. This process reminds me the Stalinist trials, McCarthyism, The Confession of Costa-Gravas, the medieval Inquisition, the judgments of contemporary authoritarianism.

The new Josef K, Verdiglione, humanist, writer and editor, now screams in jail for freedom. He was a charismatic star of Italian culture, then converted into a contemporary heretic, just because the Justice (tax collectors) is a social evil. As if that were not enough, Italian prosecutors were also very hard with his wife, Cristina De Angeli Frua, sentenced to some years imprisonment, where she is sick of cancer.

These modern prisoners are accused of circumventing the Treasury. Treasury? What is that? The legal machine to take your money, the taxes. Well, if they paid their debts, why punishment follows? The sadism of the modern inquisitors is unlimited, for them the prison is a good penance, educative purge, a politically correct punishment. Typical of the orwellian state of power. There are still enemies and natural censors between us.

Source: “Verdiglione, the new Josek K. A modern orwellian process. Talking with Carlos Carralero”.


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4 comentarios:

  1. I agree completely, Armando Verdiglione and Cristina Frua de Angeli are some of the best people I've ever met in my life. I hope for the immediate release from all charges of this inquisition and a compensation for the damages they suffered since 2008. It is a shame for Italy treat an intellectual of great caliber like Armando Verdiglione this way. Thank you for this worthwhile initiative.
    Lucia Pagnutti, Italy

    1. You're right, Lucia, with Verdiglione and Cristina a crime against society and life is made, they are good Italian people, an Italian dream destroyed by a conspiracy of cretins. Their dream survives. Grazie, ARz

  2. Verdiglione fusilado por la falsa ley - Verdiglione shot by false justice - Verdiglione girato dalla falsa giustizia

    El estado italiano roba a los pobres y los ricos, es un parasito sin modernidad, y solo la envidia y una burocracia parasita y política pudo castigar a la pareja por convertirse en un centro de libertad alternativo. Esa es la verdad en el caso Verdiglione. Italia es un país del tercer mundo donde funciona la ley con prejuicios ideológicos. Han sido muy duros con una pareja que no cometió ningún crimen.
    Los criminales manejan la ley. Y el periodismo ha sido cobarde en este proceso.
    El mundo entero lamenta la conjura contra los Verdiglione.
    Hasta ahora han vencido los envidiosos y los corruptos. También Italia ha perdido.

    As everyone knows, the Italian state robs the poor and the rich people, is a parasite without modernity, and only an envy and a parasitic bureaucracy and politics could punish the couple Verdiglione for being an alternative center of freedom. That's the truth in the case Verdiglione. Italy is a third world country where the law works with ideological prejudices. State law have been very hard with the Verdiglione on inventing a major crime.
    They handle criminal law and totalitarian management of state. And journalism has acted cowardly in this process. The whole world mourns the conspiracy against Verdiglione. The envious and corrupt machinery have won so far. Also Italy has lost.

    Lo stato italiano ruba i poveri ei ricchi, è un parassita, senza la modernità, e solo invidia e una burocrazia parassitaria e politica potrebbero punire la coppia a diventare un centro alternativo di libertà. questa è la verità nel caso Verdiglione. L'Italia è un paese del terzo mondo dove la legge funziona con pregiudizi ideologici. Sono stati molto duro su una coppia che non ha commesso alcun crimine.
    Gestiscono il diritto penale. E il giornalismo è stato vile in questo processo.

    Il mondo intero piange la cospirazione contro Verdiglione.

    Finora hanno vinto invidioso e corrotto. Anche l'Italia ha perso.

  3. I do not grasp cearly why taxes can be simply left unpaid. I do not grasp why taxes are "robbed" - are not hospitl and roads and schools and amies built from tax money? the tax evader is not a thief onl the state? CAn anyone cite any valid idea of Verdiglione which makes him a great "humanist"?
